**** FINISHED: GB-36 1/48 Bf 109C - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Username: T Bolt
First name: Glenn
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/48th
Manufacturer: Hobbycraft
Model Type: Messerschmitt Bf109C
Addons: True Details resin wheels

An early model of Messerschmitt 109 depicted near the end of its life early in the war being used in training


Bf 109C Yellow 18 unknown Jagdfliegerschule Flughafen Fornebu Oslo Norway , but given the location it could be a machine from Einsatzstaffel Jagdfliegerschule 1 part of 3./Jagdgruppe Losigkeit
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You are spot on Wurger, it is an Emil, sorry to confuse, however the information is for Glenn's Cesar, it went from 3./JG 52 to Ergänzungsgruppe JG 52 and then onto Einsatzstaffel Jagdfliegerschule 1.
Thanks guys, and thanks Chris for the info
I agree with you John, it does look very strange with the 2 blade prop and the big radiator intake up front. It will make a nice contrast when I put it on the shelf with all the other 109s I've built.
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