**** FINISHED: GB-36 1/48 Fw 200 C-4 "Condor" - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Feb 17, 2010
Lakeview, AR
USERNAME: mikewint
CATEGORY: Intermediate
MODEL: Fw 200 C-4 "Condor"
AFTER MARKET: Squadron Torpedoes

Got off me dead arse and took pics of the finished model. Actually been sitting on my work bench for over a week. Was difficult to take pics and keep the whole thing in focus because of the size. In any case here she be:
Nicely done Mike, it turned out well.
Depth of Field can be a problem with small subjects at relatively close range, but if you have Aperture Priority on your camera, select a small aperture - f22 or less - and move back about 12 to 18 inches, keeping the subject central, filling about 2/3rds of the frame. That should maintain focus.
If using a compact camera, then move back as above, but maybe 18 to 24 inches.
Select the cropping from the full size image, and all should be fine.
Yep, with something that size, you'd need to be back around four feet.
Although natural light is better, it can be done with flash at that range, using Aperture Priority as described. Or, if the light is good enough, use AP with the camera on a tripod, no flash.
My recent builds were taken with a Nikon D80, on AP with flash. Of course, the flash can possibly 'burn out' some highlights, and can alter colour balance, but I was just to darned lazy to get the tripod out !
Yea same here, tripod is a PIA. I tried a number of shot in the kitchen but too much out of focus so several were outside on the deck in full sun so I could stop down and get more depth

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