Finished PRU pink Spitire FR IX's

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Here you go guy's we've got them done !
the kits are 1/48 scale Italeri

painting these was much more difficult than i thought it'd be .

i must say how proud of my daughter April, she's done a great job as i'm sure you'll agree for her first attempt at building a model.
thanks to all who helped with the research

April's first then mine


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Hecky Thump! I could only open the first two pics of April's model, 'cos of this 'net problem, but what I've seen so far is outstanding for a first model!
Very well done April; now show your Dad how to do it!
Only kidding Karl, I'm sure yours is good too. The sooner my 'net connection is working properly, the better. It would have taken nearly four hours to download one of the (smaller) books from that link you gave me, instead of about 8 to 12 minutes!

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