Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
The other day some fire truck pix were posted in the Trucks thread, and it occurred to me that we needed a thread devoted to Fire Fighting Apparatus because who doesn't like a Fire Truck?
I think it would be great to see fire fighting vehicles from other parts of the globe. Here in this area, we have every type of fire fighting vehicle you can imagine because we have urban (includes airport protection), rural and wildland areas combined.
I deal with fire trucks quite a bit at our shop, working on two-way radio equipment and tactical systems (lights, siren, etc). So I have a pretty good collection of photos.
Here's some of mine to start with:
IMG 1: Anderson Fire Department, Engine 46
IMG 2: Big Bend, Shasta Co. Fire, Engine 570 (Vintage still in service!)
IMG 3: Capay, Shasta County Fire, Water Tender 180
IMG 4: Cassel, Shasta County Fire, Engine 10
IMG 5: Cottonwood Fire District
IMG 6: Cottonwood Fire District
I think it would be great to see fire fighting vehicles from other parts of the globe. Here in this area, we have every type of fire fighting vehicle you can imagine because we have urban (includes airport protection), rural and wildland areas combined.
I deal with fire trucks quite a bit at our shop, working on two-way radio equipment and tactical systems (lights, siren, etc). So I have a pretty good collection of photos.
Here's some of mine to start with:
IMG 1: Anderson Fire Department, Engine 46
IMG 2: Big Bend, Shasta Co. Fire, Engine 570 (Vintage still in service!)
IMG 3: Capay, Shasta County Fire, Water Tender 180
IMG 4: Cassel, Shasta County Fire, Engine 10
IMG 5: Cottonwood Fire District
IMG 6: Cottonwood Fire District