First Time Groupbuilder Questions

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Thanks for all the advice guys! I'll make sure to check out the link N4521U! I can't tell if this was a thread about groupbuilding questions or teasing Terry anymore. I was going to say something about he's probably building his own hence his absence but I refrained from doing so . Anyways been having delays with shipping so my kit is going to be in late but I can live with that for a while whilst I check to make sure I've everything for it. I've decided to wait to tell you guys the kit until I get it. But anyways I'm looking forward to getting started and getting to know some good people on a site all about my favorite things!
Well Lucky I've got facebook for that In other news the kit is damaged so I got refunded and I've gotta get a another kit. I could've done something with it but I'm not forking over 12 dollars for a broken kit. Any suggestions for some good Floatplane/Seaplane model kits? I need some suggestions since that failure of a purchase... I'm out of ideas and I don't mind an old kit (Heck, thats what I originally purchased ) so If you've any suggestions please do tell me.
If memory serves Jan, you have enough Cat in your stash to start your own Search and Rescue squadron.

As for a choice, it's almost endless but here are a few to be going on with:
Fiat ICR.42, Fairey Swordfish, Loire 130M, Macchi M.5, Macchi C.72, Blohm-und-Voss FG.227 not to mention a Cat
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I've decided on a kingfisher ( specifically the 1/48 Revell ) as my project. Now I just need to head on down to the shop (Hobbytown USA) and pick one up because I've had enough problems with shipping this month I can't bear the though of buying anything online for a while. Anyways Once I get the kit the build will commence no questions asked!
Hmmmm- I'm a little stuck on what category I fall into.
10 years ago, I would have said intermediate (as in, build and do some scratch-building to a decent standard, with a little after-market stuff).

No sympathy required- I'm dealing with what follows, and have made peace with the effects.

I had a minor stroke in 2009, and am still working on regaining my manual dexterity. I don't have much strength in my right hand, and have a semi-permanent shake that varies in severity. I also struggle with concentration, which also varies in intensity.

I can sort of do the scratching stuff, but my standard is a little iffy- definitely not up to the intermediate I've seen here. I fall sort of between intermediate and newbie, so I'm not so sure what I am. I definitely don't do photo-etch, and I sometimes have to leave small parts off as I still have the shakes in my hand. My painting is brush only, again hampered by my shaky hand. The standard in this post is my current best standard.

What say the judges? Shall I enter the Med GB as Category 2 (Intermediate) or Category 3 (Beginner)?
IMHO it is up to you only. Using the photo-etched and resin parts doesn't mean that you are the intermediate or advanced assembler. Also painting models with a brush doesn't make you a beginner or advanced. If you are able to make your model looking better without the PE parts and can finish it nicely it means you are more advanced than those who use the kind of parts and can't make a decent looking replic. I have seen a lot of models made out of a box that were of a better appearance than these full of the accessories. A nicely made model is a model that looks like a plane, car, ship or tank but is not of the weight of the real machine.
If you want my piece of advice.. you may start as a newbie. It is not a shame. Taking all the info you posted above into consideration you may need some of time for getting some of training in order to recall yourself the manual abilities and techniques of assembling and attaching of model parts.
Given that I have built the grand total of three models since 2009, I may go with Beginner, then, and if the judges decide that it is better, we can change it to Intermediate!

Of course we can suggest you a such changing of the category. But the most important thing is if you feel you are better and your modelling skills allow you to make it better or not.

And I agree with CR's post above.

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