Hmmmm- I'm a little stuck on what category I fall into.
10 years ago, I would have said intermediate (as in, build and do some scratch-building to a decent standard, with a little after-market stuff).
No sympathy required- I'm dealing with what follows, and have made peace with the effects.
I had a minor stroke in 2009, and am still working on regaining my manual dexterity. I don't have much strength in my right hand, and have a semi-permanent shake that varies in severity. I also struggle with concentration, which also varies in intensity.
I can sort of do the scratching stuff, but my standard is a little iffy- definitely not up to the intermediate I've seen here. I fall sort of between intermediate and newbie, so I'm not so sure what I am. I definitely don't do photo-etch, and I sometimes have to leave small parts off as I still have the shakes in my hand. My painting is brush only, again hampered by my shaky hand. The standard in
this post is my current best standard.
What say the judges? Shall I enter the Med GB as Category 2 (Intermediate) or Category 3 (Beginner)?