Flags as smilies

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Nov 7, 2007
Perth Australia
On the last forum I was on, we had this excellent addition to the smilies where anyone could add their country's flag to their post.
Flags are available for all the countries of the world. They looked great and help give pride to the members efforts.

Below are some of the flags that can be added to your post.

I would like to ask the Administrator to implement this here too.

All flags are available from this site: Flag Animations - Country Flags



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Well I am just hoping that the reason that nothing has happened here yet is because it will be done shortly.
Just a simple request to add the flags to the smilies to enhance the posts


  • Australia.gif
    8.5 KB · Views: 219
I looked at the smilies page and most of them there are never used and could be deleted to make way for the flags.
I will just have to add them manually like I am now doing.
As I said, I saw this as a very simple request from a new interested member.
Too bad Airborne. And thanks Les


  • Australia.gif
    8.5 KB · Views: 208
I think they are cool..... if you want one, save it like I did and use it in your
post. However, if it causes problems with the system, let me know that too.



  • usaCa.gif
    10.4 KB · Views: 213
Airborne, I think you need to settle in. So far, you have asked us to change the default color of the forum, posted a naked picture (a no-no) and now asked for us to make another change to suit your liking. This place has been established for quite some time and I get a little annoyed at noobs that come in here asking us to change it to suit their liking.

Once you've been here a while and are established into the forum, then you can ask for or suggest changes.
Huh? I'm dreaming.
I put up 75 aviation posts in three days of enthusiasm and get warned for suggesting a couple of valid changes.
See you at the airfield guys.
*sigh* Did you READ what I said. That was not a warning.

Gee, you've been here three days. WOW! Let me jump right up to please you. I don't give a rip how many posts you have, you have been here THREE DAYS. There are many here that have been here for years. We all LIKE the colors of the forum as they were BEFORE you arrived and asked us to change it. If you had read a bit, you would have seen that nude and risque posts are not welcome here.

Flush out your head gear new guy. You are starting to irritate me.
I can see that you are really crapped off. What a shame.
I guess it could be that I have only been here three days, I made instant friends with all the guys, haven't had a single bad word with anyone and put up all these posts and generally act like I own the place.
Is that what irritates you about me?

See you after church.
Nothing irritates me more than someone who comes into the forum brand new and asks the admins and mods to make changes to the way that they like it. The last guys that did that tried to start an open revolt because he didn't like that peoples sigs were in the posts.

So yes, you asking for all these changes after three days on this forum does get presumptuous and gives the impression that you think it should be the way that you want it.

Settle in, sit back and enjoy the forum. Read up on what the rules are, who the players are and get to know the place. Color schemes can be changed to how YOU want them in your own user profile and won't be changed from what they are now for the default.

Once you have been here a while, then you can make a suggestion. I get too many "suggestions" from noobs that stick around for a week, maybe two and are gone.
Who the hell do you three pieces of crap think you are talking to?
Talk about egotists who are far up themselves.
I liked it here and it was what I was looking for, but I would sure stoop to a low point in my life if I allowed myself to be spoken to like you all have just to stay here. The price is too high.
Listen "low life" you might have everyone else where you want them with your pathetic threats, but I'm afraid that I have to own up and reveal that it doesn't wash with me. I was gunning down crap like you before you were born.
"I OWN THIS PLACE". What a wanker. Get back on the planet prick, instead of orbiting on cloud nine.
"Rule number 1". Another wanker who thinks he's crash hot.
And the biggest wanker of all. The prick who gets irritated by noobs.

Now instead of being the cowards you are by threatening a new member, have the guts to ban me.
For the record, I welcome new users, I don't welcome pushy little pricks like that who want all kinds of changes just because he doesn't like things the way they have been for YEARS.

Gee, glad I didn't jump right up to make the changes to please him...
Well that sure took an interesting twist... I apologize for my post in Lucky's moderator hobknobbin thread - you guys still are droppin hammers :lo:

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