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Apr 9, 2005
Colorado, USA
I don't know if you guys noticed but I haven't been flappin my yap this much this week cause I've been in California. One of the aircraft my company maintains is undergoing a corrosion inspection at a facility outside of San Diego. As I was there over the weekend, on Sunday I hooked up with my L-29 buddy. As some of you know I've been working on a checkout in this aircraft, well last Sunday I took off and landed by myself and lived to tell about it! Flew for 45 minutes, basic maneuvers, stalls, tight tuns, simulated engine flame out and landing. Had a blast!

In one of the photoS you'll find a damaged Twin Otter wing. This aircraft collided with a skydiver in Florida and severed the poor guy's legs off! Apparently he bled to death. I'm told the aircraft was landing and wasn't moving that fast, I think if it was in cruise the Twin Otter's wing would of gotten severed as well!


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Bog off FB your making me jealous (not about having a leg whipped off)
How the hell did the parachutist end up near the flying aircraft when i did my one only jump the DZ was 10 miles from the airfield. Having said that I do remember in the news some time ago a young girl did her first static line jump and land on top of a rotating helo she lost more than a leg though.
trackend said:
Bog off FB your making me jealous (not about having a leg whipped off)
How the hell did the parachutist end up near the flying aircraft when i did my one only jump the DZ was 10 miles from the airfield. Having said that I do remember in the news some time ago a young girl did her first static line jump and land on top of a rotating helo she lost more than a leg though.

:evil4: Hey, what could I say 8)

The skydiving thing is amazing! It common here to have the DZ on the airport, convenient but maybe not that safe!
Not very safe as you say FB I flew out of Biggin Hill but and they laid on a van to drive us back to base, I dont like the idea of mixing aircraft and parachutists one hiccup in the desent or a sudden cross wind and it could be very nasty.
Years ago I had a parachutist drift into the pattern while I was on the downwind in a Cessna 150, we missed by about 100 feet!
I heard that they have scaled the show back a bit this year and a couple of performers from last year haven't been invited. It's a shame, one of them, John Collver, does a great routine with the T-6 using manuevers that WWII pilots were trained with.
That would suck. Damn, I don't know what those EAA guys are thinking this year. We end up being participants for the event, but have little say in the planning. There are some strange politics going on between the CAF and the EAA at CMA. I don't know why. There was some talk about our involvement with our planes of only one day. I hope that isn't the case because alot of the people come out just to see the warbirds fly.
I was not on the flight but my friend said they had a sky diver fall about 100ft from there helicopter the other day as they were flying. The crazy thing is nobody ever saw the aircraft that he jumped from. It must have been above the clouds. But they missed him so all is well.
I heard that Les. I couldn't think of too much worse of a way to go.
Getting killed and eaten by a Tiger Shark would be worse.......
The crazy thing is nobody ever saw the aircraft that he jumped from. It must have been above the clouds.
Usually they jump from 12-16,000 feet... Any higher and the oxygen level starts getting too low, and it get real real REALLY FREAKIN cold!
The guy who had his legs chopped off in Florida was where he was supposed to be. The jump plane decided to fly a right pattern that day. I'm told they knew each other!

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