"Flying Legends" airshow, Duxford, 2016.

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Thanks chaps, and thanks for the compliment Wayne.
I've delayed my touring trip until tomorrow or Sunday now, as the weather is set to improve by then, so I'll sort the final pics and post them in batches later today.
Now into the final few pics, with 'The Joker', and yet to come, the 'Balbo' and a few random shots to round off.

As the aircraft took off in groups to form up for the 'Balbo' away from the field, 'The Joker' stepped in to entertain the crowd and keep the camera shutters clicking, with a beautiful display of high, and low-level aerobatics by the resident MkV Spitfire, all set to music.
This slot was listed to be performed by the Gladiator, which, as shown in previous pics, had already performed with the Blenheim formation, and in a solo slot. Whether the change was due to the weather, or technical reasons,I don't know, but the Spit certainly put on a great display in its place.
Pics divided between two posts again.

Thanks Paul, and yes, the clipped-wing Spits are 'growing' on me, especially the Mk.V.
I never used to like them much, thinking they looked wrong with their wing shape spoiled by the blunt tips, but now i think there's something purposeful, sort of 'aggressively beautiful', about them.
Don't remember that one Andy, but one of the BBMF's Hurricanes had a desert scheme around 8 or 9 years ago, maybe that's what you're thinking of ?
Thanks chaps, and i still can't remember seeing a Spit with a trop filter.

The final two selections now, with the 'Balbo' first, followed by some odds and ends to finish off.
As Gary, and also Steve (Stona) noted, the flying participation was less than previous years, even allowing for the fairly high number of 'no shows', and this was very evident in the traditional end to every 'Flying Legends' show, the mass formation, or 'Balbo'. with only eighteen fighters and the Mitchell getting airborne for a number of passes over the field.
The low numbers are matched only by the mediocre quality of the formation pics, although to be fair to myself, capturing an entire formation can only result in pics showing dots in the sky !
Let's hope that the CAA 'hoo hah' has died down, and that numbers increase, for next year's show, when I hope to meet many more forum members at Duxford - and in the local pub !

And now, the final selection from 'Flying Legends 2016', with a few shots of the flight line, taken in the dull conditions of the Sunday morning, a couple of 'odds and ends' shots, and a really lucky example of grabbing the shot when dumbos walk in front of the camera !
The Antonov An-2 was a visitor (don't know where from), caught departing at the end of the show, and was one of two of these types that had been parked on the southern boundary of the field.
Final shot is me outside the 'Tin Tent', enjoying the first 'Green King' ale of the day !

Next air show outing for me will hopefully be the show at East Kirkby on August 6th. For those who don't know, this is a former war time bomber airfield in Lincolnshire, with some preserved buildings and the Control Tower, and is, of course, home to Avro Lancaster 'Just Jane'.


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