Fort Mott, New Jersey

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
When Marcel came to visit the United States this week, he and I were discussing places to see. Because he has an interest in gun emplacements and pillbox type sites, I suggested Fort Mott as a good place to explore. And so we did!

Here is a Wiki link about Fort Mott and an aerial pic showing the gun emplacements.

Fort Mott (New Jersey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


and a pic pf Marcel and I on our way to the fort!

There were many out-buildings including an observation tower and a separate magazine building to keep the powder dry. Because the main emplacements were built underground, there is a lot of water seepage and keeping dry was a priority.

On the grounds were found a few relics of WWII. It seems that they hold WWII re-enactments here from time to time. We found a row of ambulance trucks under restoration and this AA gun.

All in all a very good day and great company!


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