FOUND!!! USS Lexington (CV-2)

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From my readings, it was Shinano that took four torpedoes and flooded, sinking at dawn the next day after a night attack by Archerfish in which the captain set the torpedoes to run shallow hoping to get flooding high in the hull of the ship to capsize her.

Taiho was torpedoed and suffered the same fate as Lady Lex when an inexperienced damage control officer turned on the ventilation system to clear the ship of avgas fumes and blew the ship up.
No. Over 200 personnel went down with the Lexington.

Thank you both, and thank you Wes for that insight into your training. Sometimes it's hard to remove the hindsight and lessons we have learned when discussing ww2. I can't imagine the difficult decisions and uncertainty they faced.
LOTS of discussion amongst navalists, of course. Two friends who worked with Ballard have intriguing comments. Nobody's seen a large USN ship so thoroughly broken up, a real surprise. One theory is implosion because Lex sank with many compartments intact. As for the Fox-5 Wildcat, John Lundstrom's da man, check his First Team Vol. I. F-5 was sometimes flown by Lt Noel Gayler (normally F-13), and the victory markings (plus one bomb) seem to reflect that record.
LOTS of discussion amongst navalists, of course.

Mr. Tillman - what is your take on 'leagalities' with regard to the current ownership of the A/C laying down on the bottom of the sea? How likely is that USN will allow anyone to salvage the A/C without saying 'hold your horses, it is our A/C you have' after the operation is done?
(all while disregarding, for the moment, the technical challenges for the salvage operation itself)

From what i've read the USN does not play well with others regards salvaged aircraft.

From what i've read the USN does not play well with others regards salvaged aircraft.

"We bought it, we paid for it, and it's OURS til hell freezes over! If you want to recover it for us, feel free, but understand it's our property and you are liable for any damage occurring in the process."
Ayup, doesn't sound like good kindergarten ettiquete to me.
Thank you both, and thank you Wes for that insight into your training. Sometimes it's hard to remove the hindsight and lessons we have learned when discussing ww2. I can't imagine the difficult decisions and uncertainty they faced.
Let's hear it for high velocity fog, light water, foam, and purple K powder, all firefighting staples of my time in the Nav that had their roots in WWII.
Awww, I wanted that one!!!!
BOYS!!! No bickering! I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

First we'll need to form a committee to study the effects of removing 1/4 rivet # 54,677 and the possible impact it will have on rivets # 54,676 and 54,678 with a sub committee to study the effects on the other 3/4 of rivet 54,677. We'll also have to elect someone to chair a panel to study how rivets 55,668, 55,669 and 66,275 might be impacted along with panel # 7435.

And that's just for starters...

I've decided I'm against the arbitrary selection of rivets. All rivets should be treated the same. Equal rights for metal fasteners!!!
I've decided I'm against the arbitrary selection of rivets. All rivets should be treated the same. Equal rights for metal fasteners!!!
Hey don't leave out fabric surfaces, guys! So well preserved after all these years, they deserve equal consideration. End discrimination!
Yes, we seem to have a gender bias regarding the superiority of hard over soft. Equal opportunity for all! Breach the plexiglass ceiling!
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