Fourth Kiwi Mosquito test flew today

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1st Lieutenant
Sep 19, 2012
Aw flaming stralia
Took off with Steve Hinton at the controls at about 15:30 NZ time and test flight went well according to Steve. First time we have spoken in 52 years. Time flies. Photos courtesy of John Geary whose company Martin Aircraft made all the cables



Steve is finally starting to look old.

He reached an age a couple of year ago where he is no longer able to fly in the Heritage flights done by the US Air Force. His son took over those duties at that time.
Steve Jr. just flew in a Heritage flight in the P-38 just a few weeks ago. He only got checked out in it in late January or possibly even February.

Steve Sr. still does the Navy version of the Heritage flight but that time will be ending soon due to his age too.

I remember reading recently (in another post?) that this scheme was the one the new owner was interested in. I can't remember the details.
Shame that. NZ2308 (ex YC-Z) was the aircraft that started this whole thing off, and I would love to have seen her in her proper RNZAF Silver dope scheme. Even John Smith's time capsule RNZAF Mossie was camouflaged after restoration.
Interesting. I thought he was a couple of years younger. I knew his 21st was after I left Chino but not that much after.

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