l'Omnivore Sobriquet
Airman 1st Class
A good 1943-special, 2nd half 43, for heavy daylight bomber travail ('work') :
Get a pair of some well working Db-605s (at last!), just a fair amount of armour for the difficult mission, including thick side glasses too but not too much, ennemy escort fighters are to be expected. (Think South Italy, Mediterranea.) One Mk-103 under belly with good ammunition provision inside the fuselage, and two Mg-151s at wing roots à la Fw-190 !
A little incrase in wing span from the roots to allow this fine pair of 20mil (aimers), but else, nothing, not too much heavy gunning. Just the right amount of overall armour (far better than the historical Luftwaffe 1943 breed yet), a welcome help to assault those fearsome Fortresses' boxes...
You'd get a good agressor well fitted for survival and certainly ready for some scoring against the 8th AF 1944 plans, and still a fighter able to fight and defend itself against US escort jockeys, by design if not by tactics (which were to the advantage of the escort anyway.)
It could have been thought about during the 1st half of 1943, considering only the Mediterranean situation, a 9th AF '2nd ranking' response, where enemy escort fighters were indeed expected in the general theater. (We know that at that time, for central Germany the 'big brass' still thought a P-51D scenario as impossible. But in the MTO it was daily urgency already.) Perhaps a small batch, but an easy desision to get, adressing an increasing threat. (Rome etc.)
Bred as a 2nd ranker, the well armoured FW-187, with one 30mil mk-103 under belly + two 20mils 'aimers' at wing roots, slightly increased wing spans and fully capable Db-605s (at last) ; would not need any miraculous big change of mind from the RLM decisons makers... Just allow a '2nd ranker' industrial batch to adress a '2nd ranking' theater threat (MTO with its 9th AF biggies escorted all the way (Sicilly, South Italy..)) , then you'll get the Fw-187 version as described above.
Which, in turn, would find itself amazingly well fitted to react against the early 1944 'Katastrophe', of Big Week fame; that of central Germany being poundered by a renewed 8th AF avec son escorte of wide spraying P-51D vendettas..
An aircraft able to withold escort fighter presence on a fair foot, while carriyng some usefull armour and a well fitted armament. Very good high altitude behaviour. And already launched in industrial production, although '2nd ranking', for about 6 months...
How easy it is in 2013 lying on cushins..., striking keyboards.. and caring very little too (actual history being just as good), to spice in, at the very least, the distant drama.
One cannot expect a fighting camp to get things always right 8 months in advance, even Napoleon I've heard showed the occasional 'dumbheit' some times..
Get a pair of some well working Db-605s (at last!), just a fair amount of armour for the difficult mission, including thick side glasses too but not too much, ennemy escort fighters are to be expected. (Think South Italy, Mediterranea.) One Mk-103 under belly with good ammunition provision inside the fuselage, and two Mg-151s at wing roots à la Fw-190 !
A little incrase in wing span from the roots to allow this fine pair of 20mil (aimers), but else, nothing, not too much heavy gunning. Just the right amount of overall armour (far better than the historical Luftwaffe 1943 breed yet), a welcome help to assault those fearsome Fortresses' boxes...
You'd get a good agressor well fitted for survival and certainly ready for some scoring against the 8th AF 1944 plans, and still a fighter able to fight and defend itself against US escort jockeys, by design if not by tactics (which were to the advantage of the escort anyway.)
It could have been thought about during the 1st half of 1943, considering only the Mediterranean situation, a 9th AF '2nd ranking' response, where enemy escort fighters were indeed expected in the general theater. (We know that at that time, for central Germany the 'big brass' still thought a P-51D scenario as impossible. But in the MTO it was daily urgency already.) Perhaps a small batch, but an easy desision to get, adressing an increasing threat. (Rome etc.)
Bred as a 2nd ranker, the well armoured FW-187, with one 30mil mk-103 under belly + two 20mils 'aimers' at wing roots, slightly increased wing spans and fully capable Db-605s (at last) ; would not need any miraculous big change of mind from the RLM decisons makers... Just allow a '2nd ranker' industrial batch to adress a '2nd ranking' theater threat (MTO with its 9th AF biggies escorted all the way (Sicilly, South Italy..)) , then you'll get the Fw-187 version as described above.
Which, in turn, would find itself amazingly well fitted to react against the early 1944 'Katastrophe', of Big Week fame; that of central Germany being poundered by a renewed 8th AF avec son escorte of wide spraying P-51D vendettas..
An aircraft able to withold escort fighter presence on a fair foot, while carriyng some usefull armour and a well fitted armament. Very good high altitude behaviour. And already launched in industrial production, although '2nd ranking', for about 6 months...
How easy it is in 2013 lying on cushins..., striking keyboards.. and caring very little too (actual history being just as good), to spice in, at the very least, the distant drama.
One cannot expect a fighting camp to get things always right 8 months in advance, even Napoleon I've heard showed the occasional 'dumbheit' some times..
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