Fw 190 F8 1/32 Hasegawa

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The propeller hub is ready. I had a little trouble with the blades and I have to paint again.

The model with the masks and ready to paint.

Lights and shadows.

The propeller after repaired. I had it painted as if the propeller blades were made ​​of wood. After all are metal.

And after I stopped with the models for almost a month continued with the Fw 190 F8.
RLM 74 and 75. Lights and shadows.

Now, paint the top of the fuselage.
How did you mask wing tops? I guess you didn't tape right on top of it, it's not that sharp, beautiful. Did you mask them with paper that is kept 1-2 mm on top of the wing by means of uhu-tac?

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