A few comments...
The Bf109's generally turned better than the FW190's at low speeds, the FW's turning better at medium and high speeds.
The FW's and 109's generally climbed about the same for a given time period, with the exception of the Bf109K which climbed like a rocket under NO2 (SEP) boost. However, SEP power was not something that could be used in combat very effectively except to escape in a climb. To engage SEP the engine had to be under a load (climbing pretty hard) and the RPM's and prop pitch had to be set just so.
The FW190A series was limited to altitudes below about 24000 feet, above that the engine computer had issues and it lacked performance. So against US bomber escorts, the Bf109 series was really the only choice until the Dora9 (which apparently fixed the problem or provided a bypass) arrived in very late 1944.