GB 29 - Feb 1st-Jun 5th 2016....

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Going back to the Typhoon/Tempest book, I've got....

1: JP913 of No. 182 Squadron....
2: JR513 of No. 247 Squadron.... (XM-N while with No. 182 Squadron)
3: MN113 of No. 164 Squadron....
4: MN413 of No. 184 Squadron.... (I8-T, No. 440 Squadron RCAF)
5: MN513 of No. 1 Squadron.... (No. 55 OTU, EH-N)
6: MN813 of No. 245 Squadron....
7: MP113 of No. 197 Squadron....

There's more questions than answers!
Some interesting stuff coming along by the look of it.
Not sure what, if anything, I'll enter - depends on how my hands are, and how far advanced (or otherwise) commission builds are at the time. When the latter are out of the way, I really want to concentrate on my 'BoB - Hardest Days' collection, but there's a chance that a Mosquito, Typhoon, Mitchell or even a Lancaster or B-24 might have a look in.

Jeff, if you haven't already got them, I have the details of the various equipment/antenna etc fits to the 100 Group B-17s, including drawings and photos.
That Paragon set is now as rare as rocking horse poo - one went for big money on e-bay a couple of months back. However, the nose blister, basically the same as a H2s blister, could be moulded, or even formed from Milliput, fairly easily. Fabricating the waist gun stops and various antenna would be more involved, and time consuming, but again fairly straight forward.
If you need help with the blister, let me know, as I might b able to mould one for you. I had thought of doing one of the 100 Group aircraft some years ago, using the old Matchbox 1/72nd scale B-17, and this could be an excuse to revive the idea.

"Rare as rocking horse poo" thats a new one for me.! I think I will just scrap the idea of the 100 group and concentrate on the Hurricane. I have lots of other stuff in the stash that fits OOB but I am interested in the rare Hurricane with stripes. I really like the conversations that take place over these rarer bits of aviation history.

Thanks for your generous offer but the 17 may show up anyhow in some guise.


I seem to have found another one now, MN713/FM-X, No. 257 Squadron, crashed 2 miles south of St Lô on the 16th of July '44, pilot was F/S W. H. Ewan who bailed out...the reason for the crash and bail out was engine failure....
MP113 was coded OV-V and it suffered engine failure on the 3rd of March '45, pilot was F/S R. J. Farmiloe who forcelanded 3 miles southeast of Volkel....
Come across yet another one....
PD513, pilot F/L D. McGibbon, who became a POW after bailing out due to being hit by flak north of Venlo on the 18th of October '44....
..... I am interested in the rare Hurricane with stripes......

I think you may follow the pic as it shows the Hawker Hurricane Mark IIC, MW367 'DR-B' "Jessie" of No. 1697 (Air Despatch Letter Service) Flight.

Also I found the info ... "1697 Flight Transport Command (MW340 MW339 were the first a/c to land in France, on 10 th June.) MW367 "B" was another, with LF770, LF773, LF774, MW335, MW336, MW338, MS359//DR-A - Dewy, MW360, MW361, MW367, PG546, PG512/DR-L. Most seem to have carried no codes, or even individual letters, just stripes, and all appear to be IIC."

This reveals that there was more Hurricanes IIC used by the unit that serials started with MW.
W.Nr. 0007 (150007) was an H-0 aircraft and was white 7 (maybe Yellow 7?) not Black 13

Maybe it was both? I don't know the significance of the small white "7" on the tail but that is not the only profile I've see of Black 13 with a small white "7" on the tail.

I would like to ask you if you want to keep the GB#29 limited to the Western Front only. Or you want to have it extended to the Eastern Front as well. The title part "Allied Advance" suggests the soviet advance from 1943/1944 for instance too.
W.Nr. 0007 (150007) was an H-0 aircraft and was white 7 (maybe Yellow 7?) not Black 13

Found this today on a French website, the guy modelled his as white 7 with a small yellow 7 on the rudder ?

My French is pretty poor but he used a few pics to show patches of cammo that matched up with a pic showing the seriel mumber on the tail of a Ta152 with some LW guys in front.


It also says all fronts in Vic's decription, so eastern front machines are ok by me Wojtek

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