GB-36 1/48 Bf-109F - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Master Sergeant
Aug 1, 2011
Username: Rogi
First name: Igor
Category: Intermediate
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Aifix
Model Type: "Bf-109F'
Aftermarket addons: Possibly some decals and definitely a Vacu Form Canopy.

So, here's the story, was going home tonight and stumbled upon a lady throwing some things out of her place, I scrounge around the pile and see she is throwing out model parts as well, short story, I walk away with this wonderful kit for a buck

Ok so a 70s Airfix kit isn't anything to cheer about too much, Airfix has bitten me in the past and I'm not a huge fan, but I hope I can build her up into a decent model and it gives me a bit of a break from the 144 and smaller I've been working on and from school

So far, variant, whether it'll be a F or G I'm not so sure about, I'd like to research the kit and see if it is either, if not I'll just pick a scheme later on and go from there. I hope that is allright with you gentlemen
Look forward to seeing it. From memory, the kit isn't bad, for the period - built a couple 30 odd year ago. The canopies in my kits were quite nicely done, although one-piece of course.
How sure are you that its complete igor? Even if it isn't, you might be able to scratch build the missing bits I think its a real buzz that you are essentially breathing life into an abandoned orphan kit.
Despite its age, Airfix' kit is a very good base for a Bf 109 F-4. Shape, dimensions and volume are very accurate. The canopy is particularly clear.
I agree. I remember being quite impressed when i built one back in around 1982, which unfortunately got severely damaged in a house move..
I still have the center section of the canopy (which I separated from the one-piece moulding), and it is indeed very clear, and quite thin.
Thank you so much my friends with the F-4 phantom in the books. I think its time to get this bf-109F done I thought making an F-2 would be nice but mmmm maybe an F-4 finishing one F-4 just to start another hehe

Look forward to seeing it. From memory, the kit isn't bad, for the period - built a couple 30 odd year ago. The canopies in my kits were quite nicely done, although one-piece of course.

Thank you my friend, I found that next to other kits of the era and Hasegawa's kit its probably the most accurate in terms of details, the wheels and bays look great and the amount of detail present is nice as well, I thought it was a 90s kit with the level of detail and its impressed me so far.

How sure are you that its complete igor? Even if it isn't, you might be able to scratch build the missing bits I think its a real buzz that you are essentially breathing life into an abandoned orphan kit.

I was thinking the same Parsifal, I believe its all there (at least most of everything is attached to its sprue. Since I've got no instruction manual it'll be a build from references and other kits. Hopefully I don't forget too much stuff Thank you so much I hope I can do this kit justice and make her a pride in the collection.

Good choice Igor. Not sure which kit you have but I built the F years ago and don't recall any problems

I'm 90% sure its an F-2, from comparing it with some reference drawings and aircraft photos it looks like a 2 and I'm using your build as guidance

Despite its age, Airfix' kit is a very good base for a Bf 109 F-4. Shape, dimensions and volume are very accurate. The canopy is particularly clear.

Fully agreed, its a real gem and from what I can notice it could shape up to be a nice G model as well, but I'll probably stick to an F-2 as it has the least things that I'll have to edit to it (probably nothing needed to be honest, but some extra details might go in). Sadly I don't have the canopy (or its been misplaced) but I ended up finding the Falcon Canopies Vac set for it in my pile which I'm hoping to use.

The progress so far is as follows:
The right side of the cockpit went first and I've used a collection of references for the cockpit, sadly not too many pictures and more interpretations of the actual cockpit are in print, the following photo taken from a site and used for hobby purposes (no copyright infringement intended)

The original cockpit, very nice and I'll try to retain as much of it as possible. I happened across an aftermarket set for cheap at the LHS, the company is called Cooper Details and is from the 80s and an AMAZING set I couldn't believe my luck and what detail is in the set, all out of the resin and no PE but blew me away it would stack up to any of set of today. I also like that an 70s/80s kit is receiving the same era canopy set and some parts of the aftermarket set

With the following portion edited to match the references and put it closer to the top instrument panel, this also allows more room for the Cooper Details Tub to fit,

and edited with some scratch made parts, always nice to use the spares bin and use that excess plastic with a little ingenuity.

I assembled the airfix tub first but then noticed that it would be a good idea to use the Cooper Details one, so off goes some of the pieces, in the process of editing them.

The rear (orange) was detached from Airfix's tub and attached again in order to mate it flush with Cooper's Details.

Other side of the cockpit,

Side panels of Cooper Details, very nice but to be saved for a G in the stash.

Thanks all and more updates tomorrow
Agreed. There are differences between the F-2 and F-4 that you might want to check. Many F2 wheel wells had the squared off corners whereas the F4 had round wells. F2 had stiffener plates on the fuselage joint with the tail. Most F4s didn't. There may also be differences in the supercharger intake - larger on many F4s. Check your reference pics if accuracy is important to you.
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Just checked tonight, this one has round wells. Which is kind of pushing me into a direction I thought I wouldn't go
I believe the kit has the stiffener plates on the rear, I'll try and take photos tomorrow, forgot to photo it tonight

Nice start! So... you are using the Cooper floor but not the sidewalls? Why not use the whole set?
JKim, You have peer pressured me into using the Cooper Details side walls progress taking out the sidewalls. Honestly I've been thinking about it and I want to treat this kit right, especially what its been through to get to my place

Some more progress tonight, getting the parts for the tub in place, about the best way to preserve the upper fragile parts, this is genius and I wish more companies would still do this method, I'm almost more amazed at everything being resin, good quality and sturdy, yet easy to remove from the "resin sprue"
Tub is below with the pedals in place (taken off the "resin sprue")

Now the dilemma tonight, I remembered picking up a quickboost set (supposed to be for the Zvezda 109F but it fits Airfix , what can't this kit do!) the same time I came across the Cooper details. Then I looked at what was in is the dilemma:

I've got a pilot figure from the kit (granted missing an arm but I might dive into the spares). From Quickboost I've got some nice ailerons and from Cooper details some nice extended flaps. So....I could make the 109F in flight diving down on a target (or dive bombing one, I've got what looks like the parts for a 109F-4/B in the kit).

Or the original plan I thought of going with, a nice scratchbuilt DB 601 and an all out engine compartment build. Would require cutting the vac canopy but would look nice...but I'll ask everyone to vote what would you guys like to see or recommend ?

The scheme would either be this colorful 109F-2 for an engine build/dive:

Or this beautiful F-4/B for an in flight build, diving down to deliver its payload.

but the mount, Bf 109 F-4/B Jg 2 of Staffel Capitan Liesendahlwhich which is this one: the 1 should be in blue and the rear fin in yellow but can't find the proper pic for it today will try and update tomorrow

What does everyone think? :S
With all that nice, extra resin detail in the cockpit, it would be a shame to hide the bulk of it with a pilot figure.
The engine sounds good, but I agree with Andy, it'll take some time to do it justice, even with an engine kit, and the split, hinged cowling would need a lot of work from the kit, as it would need to be very carefully cut, and then thinned down considerably to get the right effect.
I built the ICM '109 F some time back, which had the engine and some of the fittings, with separate cowlings, but even that would have needed a lot of work to get it to look right, so i built it closed up - still got he engine parts somewhere, which I might use on another Bf109E at some point in the future..

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