Bit of a short delay finishing the Heinkel, so I'm cracking on with this.
Regarding the different lengths of the gun heating outlet ducts, it might be that the port one is longer in order to be clear of the pitot tube, to prevent (possibly turbulent) warm air entering the pitot head, but that's just a guess. I'll try to find out more at DX.
A little more progress correcting some omissions in the kit, as shown below.
PICS 1 and 2. Although engine start was normally done with the help of a 'trolley Ac', there was also a hand-crank, which slotted into a hole on the starboard cowling. This had a small brass plate beneath it, with an inscription warning ground crew to rope themselves to the undercart leg before cranking.
The hole has been drilled, and the 'brass' plate will be added after painting the model.
Also seen here is the small hole drilled beneath the port side rear glazing, which was the external oxygen re-filling nozzle.
PICS 3 and 4. As mentioned earlier, the kit does not provide parts for the head and seat armour, so these had to be scratch-built using thin plastic card. First job was to remove the locating tab for the head rest. The armour plate was then cut from plastic card, and cemented in place, with a slot in the head armour for the harness shoulder straps. The seat armour is not totally accurate in shape, but as most of it will be hidden by the seat, and the canopy will be closed, it's passable enough.
PICS 5 and 6. Once the parts had set, the lightening holes in the frame were drilled out, and the kit parts for the head rest and voltage regulator fitted, and the frame cemented onto the 'floor' section.
PIC 7. Being an early Mk1, the seat would have been the metal type, with the flare rack on the front edge. The kit part has had the edges thinned down, the slot cut into the starboard side, and the bulge for the parachute harness waist strap added. The flare rack was added to the front, using a length of plastic channel. This has had holes countersunk along the top, which will be painted to represent the bases of the flare cartridges, but these can't be seen in this pic.
Next step is to make the early radio remote control for the port side of the cockpit, and the hand pump for the undercart on the starboard side, then start the internal painting before adding a little more detail and the remaining kit parts etc.
Back soon ................