Thanks again guys, The next thing is where to put weight! There is really a lot of room on this kit to add weight under the cockpit, but can you add enough? That is the really big question!. I have several forms of lead and som tungsten putty. I picked up the TP off Ebay from China at 16 grams per for around $2.22 ea. I bought 11 canisters including shipping at around $24.00 total. That's not a lot when it comes to this monster, so I'm trying to use it where it can be the most useful. I have strips of lead and shredded lead that is hard to come by these days but I bought it back in the early 90's. That is being placed around the nose gear well and lower forward gun tube. The gun tubes top and bottom forward are being filled with the TP.
Well it's taking a lot, but we are getting close. When the rest of the interior and the tailplanes added on it will still take a but more, but I think we can make it.