Entire model has been coated with Tamiya Flat Clear. I did the bottom first, installed the undercarriage, then sprayed the uppers. The propellers are just pressed on now - they are those ones that Tamiya likes with the vinyl bushing that allows them to pressed in and removed again.
The flat coat revealed some silvering on a few of the stencils, this one being the worst. It's always hard to see with the gloss coat on but sure pops out with the flat coat.
Some Solvaset and a pin took care of it, though it left a stain. I went over it with a fine mist of dark green to tone it down but also lost the detail. I'm not sad as it's always debatable how many of these factory applied stencils survived operations and repairs. There were outboard incidence board marks and dihedral checking points to be applied but I chose to leave those off the tail as things were looking a bit crowded.
Back at the crew hatch, I added the emergency hydraulic pump handle, the door pull (using copper wire), and the leather strap on the center stiffener which secured the folding crew ladder.
The door has been glued in place and the support prop installed, though you can't see it in this pic. Also seen here is the finished panel highlighting and streaking applied behind the fuel filler caps.
The kit canopy, which I used as a mask, has been removed and I'll now add the final touches to the cockpit (gun sight and rudder trim wheel on the coaming) and then glue on the vac-formed canopy. The latter will also get some added details, with some more electronics mounted onto the framing but I first need to go back over my thread to jog my memory of what exactly I will depict there, though I have a pretty good idea.
Thanks for your interest and patience.