Time to fire off a reminder to all the participants who have yet to finish their Zombie builds. Which Zombies will be finally put to rest and what others will live on to haunt the owners for years to come?
The scheduled end date for this GB is Sunday, September 4, just under two weeks away. As always, this post gives everyone an opportunity to declare their intentions to finish, to throw in the towel, or to ask for a small (2 weeks max) extension to be able to finish. We had 16 entries and only three are finished so far. Here's a summary of the outstanding builds:
3 Finished: Ralph's Me509, Stu's Ki-100, and Karl's Marauder
3 Declared scrapped: Don's P-47, his A-7, and my Wellington.
10 in various stages of completion:
T Bolt
Glenn's Dagger is very close and looks like it will be done
Wayne Little
's rocket Dora is almost there as well.
Geo's Avenger is twitching but not officially dead yet (alive for a Zombie?)
My P-38 will be finished in time, barring death from smoke inhalation
Bill's Phantom is looking good but needs a good push
Graham's Me323 is also looking like it can finish on time
Karl's He111 - also looking like a timely finisher
Olaf has committed to finish his P-47 but has faced some challenges
Alan has a late entry Spitfire IX that he needs to get a move on.
Igor's FW190 has seen no update since May.
So, for those of you who have not completed, here's your chance to pipe up. Silence will mean that you are either going to finish on time or have given up. If you need an extension, let us know!
The scheduled end date for this GB is Sunday, September 4, just under two weeks away. As always, this post gives everyone an opportunity to declare their intentions to finish, to throw in the towel, or to ask for a small (2 weeks max) extension to be able to finish. We had 16 entries and only three are finished so far. Here's a summary of the outstanding builds:
3 Finished: Ralph's Me509, Stu's Ki-100, and Karl's Marauder
3 Declared scrapped: Don's P-47, his A-7, and my Wellington.
10 in various stages of completion:

My P-38 will be finished in time, barring death from smoke inhalation

So, for those of you who have not completed, here's your chance to pipe up. Silence will mean that you are either going to finish on time or have given up. If you need an extension, let us know!