Marine/Navy bombers are somehow ignored by the modelling society when it comes to "heavy hitters" (it's my personal understanding or IMHO as we use to say). For some of the navalized birds it's easy to say "yes". PBJ and PB4Y are bombers even in the blue-grey or the blue-white "disguise". But what about PV-1? Is it just a patrol a/c or a bomber? What about flying boats like PBY, PB2Y, PBM, Sunderland etc.? Are they bombers? Or patrol-bombers are not exactly level bombers as defined in the GB-rules.This Group Build will be for any aircraft in WW2 service that was designed and used primarily as a level bomber. Fighters equipped with bombs or rockets, torpedo aircraft, and dive bombers are excluded from this theme. While it is recognized that many bomber aircraft went on to serve in other roles (e.g. Ju-88 as Night Fighter, Mosquito as Fighter-Bomber, etc) this build is intended to display such aircraft in their bombing role only.
In a different thread I posted some information about the MAD-Cats - radar equipped "Catalinas" attacking submarines with "retro-bombs". Were they bombers or not quite?