GB 58 and beyond

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T Bolt Glenn I got your picks. What do you mean by "Early jets (or props for that matter) 1945 to 1955." So anything with an engine that flew in those 10 years? Civilian too?

I will use Graugeist's definition of transports for your pick.
"I like it too but it's kinda subjective. I can see all the posts coming - Is this one colourful enough for the GB? Is this scheme dramatic enough? If someone choses a Blue Nose Mustang, who's gonna say if it's colourful enough? Maybe have a minimum number of colours, excluding national insignia? Need more definition"

I'm unfamiliar with the judging criteria and what does or does not gain points. But this, as a build criteria, would leave the choices up to the builder and if one decides on 'a blue nose mustang' then that just would not garner as many points as say one of those French/Italian creations. I would assume that build skills (fit and finish) as well as finish application would be judged the same as, say, a common Bf 109? There should not be any 'does this qualify' questions. The only qualification would be that it has to have been a genuine country color scheme. I would disallow racers and show craft though. Just trying to brighten up the displays....
"There should not be any 'does this qualify' questions."

But there ARE! With almost EVERY GB we've started, there's always someone who says, "can I enter a [insert choice here]" and it's always to do with not being specific enough in the GB description or that they have not read the GB definition well enough.

This has nothing to do with the judging. You are correct that all models are judged using the same criteria, whether the subject is camoflaged, NMF, or in the case of Terry's P-47, Blurple It has all to do with vague descriptions so I'm always having to chase people to define their proposed thems as best as they can up front so we don't get all the quesitons when a GB starts. (That's what I meant by chasing cats, as you can see by my posts above).

Ralph, let's leave this alone for now. I've added it to my tally sheet and if it garners enough votes to qualify for the GBs then we can have another go at defining it a bit more precisely.
Sorry for the fuss. But I have a question.....
Ok, my suggestions:

1) Weather named aircraft (as mentioned earlier). Many nations to choose from here.
For Japanese aircraft names, I posted some several years ago:

2) Recon aircraft (also mentioned earlier).
This could include covert types like Cotton's Electra 12A.

3) Transports. This could be a broad category or specific to twin engine, four engine or whatever sounds best.

4) Bomber transports. This would be for bombers that were converted to the cargo/transport role, like the Stirling IV, B-24 (C-87) and so on.

5) Field modified. This would be a fun one. The theme covers aircract being used other than it was designed for, like the B-26s at Midway rigged for torpedo attack or the Bü181C with panzerfausts mounted on it's wings and the L-birds (US Army observation aircraft) with bazooka mounted - and other Jerry-rigged types.

6) Ground Vehicles!
We have all these aircraft, but where's the support?
This would be bomb trolleys, fuel trucks, engine gantries, tow vehicles, hot air blowers (for eastern front or Alaskan use) and any other types used on an airfield.

So there ya' go!
Yes Andy that was my final answer, the first was just to get things started, I do like the Recon though but I'll have a stay at the list.
Thanks Don. We can let people change their picks if they see something else they like after they've posted already. Just gotta tell me which one of their original 8 they want to replace.

GrauGeist I got your picks thanks but we need to limit the GBs to aircraft so #6 ain't gonna happen. We judges are in no position to score models like that.
I've taken a philosophical look at this folks and have checked back on past build to see the popular builds and I also feel that build subjects should give as wide a scope as possible, save for Mustang, Mustang, Mustang. I will also confess that much of my choice relates back to the huge GB list I complied way back (GB18 to 39) which many thought we would never get through. Anyway, here is my (possibly) contentious list.

1. No Propellers
- This Group Build will be for any aircraft kept in the air by anything other than propellers. Jets, rocket-powered aircraft, and gliders are included. This category covers any era of aviation.
2. Mustang, Mustang, Mustang – As it implies. As long as it is a P-51 Mustang or a twin, it will fit the build.
3. Seaplanes, Floatplanes of WWII, Allied or Axis - Lots of scope here from little single engine to those huge Blohm Voss mammoths if you can find the kit.
4. Winter War and Eastern Front of WWII, Allied or Axis - Scope to cover this bitter conflict that saw the partitioning of Poland in 1939 and the annexation of the Baltic States. The invasion of Finland in November 1939 by the USSR, the invasion of Russia (Operation Barbarossa) through to the Great Patriotic Wars that lead to Berlin.
5. Aircraft Nose Art - Aircraft must be based on an actual example of flamboyant personal or squadron markings. This one has no set period.
6. Mediterranean Theatre of Operations WWII - Including the North African Campaign, the Eastern Mediterranean Operations, the siege of Malta and the Allied landings in Sicily. Good scope for Italian and Vichy aircraft.
7. Twin Engine Aircraft of WWII Allied or Axis - Huge scope here and again we can take it from prototype to production.
8. Pacific Theatre of Operations land based or carrier launched WWII, Allied or Axis - Self explanatory really but an opportunity to bring in the America, Commonwealth and Japanese aircraft from the occupation of China to the occupation of Japan.

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T Bolt Glenn I got your picks. What do you mean by "Early jets (or props for that matter) 1945 to 1955." So anything with an engine that flew in those 10 years? Civilian too?

I will use Graugeist's definition of transports for your pick.
Yes Andy, anything with wings 1945 to 1955. Sorry about the confusion, I started thinking jets then thought "why not make it anything".
Good lot here Vic, well thought out.
Can't be too many "questions" as to "does This fit"?
I kinda gotta plan already.
Provided I can hang on that long!!!!

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