GB-59 1/72 Mitsubishi Ki-15 'Babs' - WW2 PTO V

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Cheers mate. Alot on, so no time at the bench recently.
Headaches are worse now the weather's changing too.

The first of the 3 Micro Ace (ex Arii/LS) Babs arrived the other day, the others should be here by Tuesday. When they arrive, I will be taking the canopy from one, and the decals from the other to use for this build.
Migraines are no good. My first wife used to get them and was bed ridden inna dark room for several days at at time.
Not good at all. Hoping it passes soon for you.
The new Arii kits arrived the other day, Mitsubishi Ki-15-I, and Ki-15-II/ C5M1.

The raised Ki-15-I canopy will fit the Hasegawa kit (with a little fettling), which will solve the canopy height issue, and the decals from the Ki-15-II will allow me to make an attractive Ki-15-I scheme found on the net.

The new kits.

The new canopies (both types included in the Arii Ki-15-I boxing)

The new decals, from the Ki-15-II kit.

The difference between the canopies.
Low type (Hasegawa/ Mania):

Raised canopy (Arii/LS):

Working on cockpit floor at moment, pics up when more progress made.
I would say it should be enough to sand the front bottom edge of the canopy slightly in order to fit it to the fuselage curvature.


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