GB-63 1/48 Macchi C.202 "Folgore" - Stormy Weather

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Yeah, that underside pic is typical of what I get.
I would saw cut and insert a piece if thin card and fill what is left.
The card will create an edge to use for rescribing.
A little bit of detail work follows. If you look at the second pic in post #112, you can see a hole in the center of the radiator outlet duct. Hasegawa would like us to mount a single radiator flap actuator in this hole but in actual fact, there are TWO rods that control the flap as seen here:

So, I filled the hole, drilled two more, and inserted a couple of rods that ended up being glued to the underside of the cockpit tub. I also added the horizontal stiffener.

Rainy days ahead so hopefully should have more to show soon.
Perfect Andy!

Don't forget to move the drain plug of the filter, is not central

Thanks guys.

Fixed the radiator drain and added the venturi:

One of the last things to be done before closing up the cockpit was to add the kinky harnesses which I made from scratch. The back pad is styrene card scribed to simulate the quilting and the straps are Tamiya tape with the top end retractor clip made of aluminum tape.

Installed and painted. Not great but it will do the job under the closed canopy. 1 magnification reveals some paint imperfections.

Need to see if I'll bother with the chain piece as it will be deep down though I might throw something in there for kicks.

Thanks for the visit.

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