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Would a Flettner Kolibri be permitted? It doesn't have a propeller, but rather a rotor?
Sorry, my addled brain occasionally refuses to retain information!"This Group Build will be for any aircraft kept in the air by anything other than propellers. Jets, rocket-powered aircraft, and gliders are included. For this theme, helicopter rotors are considered propellers and so helicopters will not be allowed. "
GBs 58 thru 65 - Finalized Schedule
@Wurger please sticky this thread to the "Group Builds - Official" folder, thanks. Here is the finalized schedule for the next batch of Group Builds as determined by popular vote here: GB 58 and beyond GB 58 - Night Fighters All Eras - May 1, 2023 to Sept 3, 2023 This theme includes
Need decals for 226 OCU for that.Lightning!
I like it. Adventurous!Changing tack (due to recent airbrush troubles) and going with a glider- Airspeed Horsa Mk.I
The Revell in the photo is the same of the Hasegawa.I built Revell and Hasegawa kits, not impressed with Revell but with work its buildable
Very nice Vic
It makes me want a beer.
Thats where I got that strip of pdf in my post. FU769 serial is in that group.The first 78 F-86F-1s were F-86E-10 with a J47-GE-27 engine upgrade. Hard points started to be added on the F-10. More in a bit. Here's a bit of light reading for you