GB 65 - Aircraft with No Propellers - Feb 1, 2025 to June 1, 2025

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Would a Flettner Kolibri be permitted? It doesn't have a propeller, but rather a rotor?

"This Group Build will be for any aircraft kept in the air by anything other than propellers. Jets, rocket-powered aircraft, and gliders are included. For this theme, helicopter rotors are considered propellers and so helicopters will not be allowed. "

Sorry, my addled brain occasionally refuses to retain information!

Gliders or a Komet it is, then
Today Viking1066 posted a photo that reminded me of my great love, the F-104 Starfighter and since today is Valentine's Day what better opportunity to participate in this GB without propeller with the plane that I love the most and that has made me dream since I was a kid ...
The only problem is that I don't know which one to choose... And that's not all I have


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A B O R T !!!!!!!!!!
This has become tooooo complex.
No real kit, or rather one from the Nineties!!
Different tac. Found a Davidson who was C.O. of VA-36 1960, A4D-2 (A4-B)

My dilemma. 1/32nd F-86E 10NA required for this GB.
Issue, cannot find an E version in an injection molded kit.

Known to me differences, sorta? Not gonna be easy.
I do have E version erection manual for details.
There were differences in E vs F versions. Cockpit, seat, wings!?
Still looking for photos to verify any of these.
This I found to verify it's "as built" factory assembly.

1. 4th column. Original wing with late A-5 changes.....?
2. 10th column. Some "6-3" wing kits in Korea........? Slats??
This is the most definitive photo I have found.

a. There is a Fence "mid wing".
b. No slats.
c. The aileron extends to the end of the wing, so it still has short wings.
d. The tail of the wing tank is a triangle, as were used by E's.

So the BIG question is.............. can the F-86"F" realllly be converted to "E"?????
I have found one described "cut wig tip off and shortened them to extend aileron
to the wing ends and filled slat gaps. Replaced fins on wing tanks to triangles.
Scratch built cockpit"....................... Even Large Scale Planes members scream for an "E".

That's all!!!!!
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