Geneseo 2009

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 14, 2005
niagara falls
great airshow aircraft flying from 10 til 5 , the temp was 75F or 23 c perfectly clear with no haze it got a bit cloudy towards end but it was high cloud, got there a little late (held up at US Immigration due to traffic)
This year was Navy aircraft


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I went to Geneseo 2009, also. IMHO it's the best airshow around. It's in Geneseo, NY, and features mostly WWI and earlier aircraft. Only one jet ever shows up, an F-15, for a short demo. Other than that, it's mostly the sound of old piston engines. Best of all, there's not a lick of concrete in site. Old airplanes and a grass strip. Who could ask for more?

I posted some pics from my point-and-shoot at Picasa Web Albums - Don - Geneseo Air S... Just ignore the pics of my kids...
BTW, pbfoot, you didn't happen to get a shot of that high-speed, low-pass by the P-51 did you?
This one is before the heritage flight I missed the one after and I agree with you it is the one airshow I'll never miss


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Neil, sorry for this year but this is definately a planned vacation for me and the missus next year! I thought about it this whole weekend!

God, I HATE moving!

Great shots!!
The Hellcat came in from SoCal I believe Planes of Fame thats a long jaunt 2000miles+


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Neil, sorry for this year but this is definately a planned vacation for me and the missus next year! I thought about it this whole weekend!

God, I HATE moving!

Great shots!!
you better go I'm curious as to what next years theme will be 70yrs Battle of Britain or 65yrs after VE DAY
Nice stuff, Neil!

The Hellcat is from Camarillo, at the CAF museum down there. That is a LONG way in a Hellcat. I remember them talking about adding the drop tanks a week or so ago. Good to see it made it okay.

I love that Helldiver too.
last but not least W7 the C47 was in the very first wave on D Day and may have hauled the Band of Brothers


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