German WWII Navigator Case & Map

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Senior Airman
German WWII Navigator Case recently donated to the Jimmy Doolittle Center California.
I'm looking for more information about it.
Case included an interesting WWII map of Germany inside
Looks like it came from Navigation Group L.K.S. 4 ( What does L.K.S. stand for?)

Who used it?
What type of aircraft was it used on?
Any translation of what the documents say?
What is it missing?
What is its value/worth?
Any information about it?

  • GenMaj Hermann Ritter von Mann, Edler v. Tiechler, 1.10.37 - 6.3.40
  • ?
  • GenMaj Herbert Sonnenburg, 1.10.40 - 16.9.43
  • GenMaj Otto Höhne, 17.9.43 - 16.4.45
Formed 1.10.37 in Fürstenfeldbruck as Luftkriegsschule Fürstenfeldbruck.

On 15.1.40 redesignated Luftkriegsschule 4 (LKS 4).

Pilot training ended early 1945. From 1.4.45 assigned to the 10. and 11. Fallschirm-Jäger-Divisionen.

Used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 96, Bf 108, Bü 131, Bü 181, C.445, Fw 44, Fw 56, Fw 58, Grunau Baby, He 46, He 51, Kl 25, Kl 35, Kranich, W.33 and W.34


1.10.37 - 11.39 Fürstenfeldbruck*
11.39 - 13.8.40 Königsberg-Neuhausen**
13.8.40 - 16.4.45 Fürstenfeldbruck*

Luftkriegsschule 4
Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base
The airfield Fürstenfeldbruck is a former airbase of the Luftwaffe Wehrmacht and later the Air Force of the Armed Forces. Until his final official closure it was used for civilian light aircraft up to a maximum weight of 2,000 kg.

The airport is conveniently located on the main road 471 mainly on the grounds of the community Maisach and to a small extent to which the city Fürstenfeldbruck. Thus, one can achieve 96 to 16 km the motorway 8 within 10 km, and the A. The S-Bahn station Maisach the Munich S-Bahn is in the immediate vicinity of the airfield area.

1935 started in the run operated by the Nazi regime rearmament of the Wehrmacht, the construction work for the Air War College ( LKS ) 4 of the Air Force. The LKS belonged to the military prestige objects in Bavaria. With a circumference of 40 million Reichsmark to be built at the airbase, the largest flying school of the German Empire. The representative buildings were plans by Ernst Sagebiel basis, teaching and accommodation buildings were designed by Robert Roskothen. Even with the Luftwaffenbauten the LKS 4 sat the style of the Bavarian Postbauschule, which was coined by Robert Vorhoelzer to continue, as many architects crossed over from the construction department of the post office building from 1935 in the building departments of the Air Force. Architectural features at the airbase form the 998 -meter-long so-called " Kilometerbau " and the Tower of the training building.

In the hall flags are still murals by Albert Burkart with motifs from the Nibelungenlied. Attached to the LKS was the airfield with four hangars, hangar and armory. 1937 took over as the new Air Force airbase. 1943, a concrete runway was built, which was in 1945 prepared for the Me -262 application. On April 9, 1945 American bombers destroyed the runway.

Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base
at the top says only for class room and training purpuse. That means a class room set. Note date on the map and the pencil marking date.

Alas Schulz is very common name in Germany let alone karl.
Thanks for the help everybody. I now know
Luftwaffe navigational training and practice apparatus
Case translation: Behalter = container, Lehr = teaching, Ubungsgerat= practice
Value $600.00, similar item without map & papers recently sold for (450.00 €) $500.00
L.K.S. stands for "Luftkreigsschule" and in this instance, LKS 4 (4th Air War School). It was based at Fürstenfeldbruck Field from 1935-1945 and was a major Luftwaffe Wehrmacht training facility for the duration of WWII.
Paper inside case: Empfangsbescheinigung= receipt, Hilfsgerat = auxiliary device
This is a class room training set, List of contents, Instructor and student names
Two student names on document are, Alas Schulz and Karl Schulz, both of which are very common names in Germany.
Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base was located 500 kilometer South-Southwest of Berlin, north of the town of Fürstenfeldbruck in Bavaria, near Munich.
The Air Base was established in 1935, and from 1937 onward, the 4th Air War School/Air Base was operated by the Nazi regime for the rearmament of the Wehrmacht Air Force. It was the largest aviation school in the Third Reich. Field Marshal Herman Goering is said to have taken a deep personal interest in establishing the air force training base for the German Air Force and modeled Fürstenfeldbruck after the United States Army Air Force training center at Randolph Field, Texas.
The 4th Air War School used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 96, Bf 108, Bü 131, Bü 181, C.445, Fw 44, Fw 56, Fw 58, Grunau Baby, He 46, He 51, Kl 25, Kl 35, Kranich, W.33 and W.34
The RAF and USAAF understood that Fürstenfeldbruck was used extensively as a training base and believed it to be of little strategic importance. Consequently, it escaped bombing until the later stages of the war.
A new concrete runway was completed in 1943 and in 1944, Luftwaffe leaders rushed work to extend the Air Base's runways long enough for fighter/bomber aircraft. In early 1945, pilot training ended at the school and the students were assigned to the 10th and 11th FallschirmJäger (paratroopers) Divisions.
As the war neared its final critical stages, the Luftwaffe was able to mount fighters and Me-262 jet fighter/bomber aircraft from the base. That, however, provoked the Allies to make a bombing raid on the field.
On 9 April 1945, 338 B-17s of the 1st Air Division, 8th Air Force, unleashed 867 tons of bombs on the runways, hangars, repair shops, and other facilities destroying the base.
Thanks for the help everybody. I now know
Two student names on document are, Alas Schulz and Karl Schulz, both of which are very common names in Germany.

alas in the meaning of regratable, so the owner of the set was Karl Schulz. Both name and sir name are very common in Germany and thus it will be nearly impossible to find anything on this person without other information.

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