Germans demand apology for allied bombing raids

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Agreed, but then I suppose maybe the French leader is worried that he could be tried for his actions. Because he has been trying to hold the whole EU to his will, so it seems... France really needs to get kicked again by the Germans and this time France should become permenantly part of Germany. That is the only way a better French race will ever develop...
And here's us thinking we had dealt with the silly people who thought like this in 45
No, this is a real thing that the French really need someone to do something about them. They have a real problem which needs to be sorted out. The arrogance of French leaders needs to be permanently shaken out of them. Look at the French president and you will see what I mean.
Forget about Germany taking it, England should take it. Henry V did it, and Henry VI was King of England and France. Shame on them for not holding it, not even holding Normandy and Brittany...

It ain't only the leaders.
Not exactly all of France though, is it? As well put by the team on Top Gear 'France is only a country you drive to, to get to Italy. That's all it's there for'. It's a nice country actually, shame about it being full of the French.
Oh, they're not that bad really, nicer than the Spanish anyway - grumpy! Odd really, because the Portuguese are the total opposite. Really friendly!
Spanish aren't really bad. I suppose you'd be grumpy too if your country was invaded by loud-mouthed lager louts all year round.

The Portugese are Englands only Ally in Britain, throughout history Portugal is the only country in Europe that Britain hasn't faced on the battlefield. Naturally, British and Portugese normally get on well...they are decent people...and the country doesn't think it's the France does.
I guess it's the trade as well - Port and Madeira wine and Harveys Bristol Cream all go back to the 18th Century when Bristol and Oporto were major trading ports.
And here I thought it was just me! I thought perhaps I'd been unfortunate enough to only have met the nastier, arrogant side of French society (which seemed to be just about everyone I'd met!).
Honestly, of all the countries I've visited France is one of those that I'd least like to return to. Some beautiful architecture and countryside, but well...
To me the French more than any other country exemplify a lack of gratitude towards their benifactors.

I've posted before why I don't like the French. As far as I'm concerned they can kiss my ...


You have a point, I don't think anyone has. A man would have some guts...I think it's Frenchmice and French women.
I believe so. And I think the lucky regiments got a few super-cars to speed off in the opposite direction..."It's okay, the British are here to save us" <cheesy French accent>

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