Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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That's what I'm scratching my head about, too. It does look like a P-40, but I've never heard of a -115 being installed in one.
I tried to look it up after I posted that, but so far, have found nothing. )
Modern day not quite authentic restoration/rebuild/replica?? Plopped in whatever Allison they could get their hands on? Dunno, it's hard to see past the "frontal architecture" Eyes keep suffering from "magnetic drift"!
Then there is that whole singing soprano aspect.

There was case when woman pilots first came on line in the USAF and a female KC-135 pilot gave the fighter pilot that was going to take on fuel her course, altitude and airspeed and asked if he had any questions.

He came back with, "Are you sure your seatbelt is not too tight?"
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