Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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I was in the navy but never had 2 ladies to help me with my luggage....o_O

The bird in the background is a PBM-3S (anti-submarine Martin Mariner).
"Gentlemen, welcome aboard Aerofloss Flight 1942 to Stalingrad. I'm Lara, and I will be your Flight Attendant and Political Security Officer. You WILL address me as 'Ma'am' and comply with my directions INSTANTLY.
Before boarding, please line up in seat assignment sequence for safety equipment inspection.
Sir, that harness won't save you if we have to jump; your crotch straps are WAY too loose! Observe mine. Tighten yours up! Or I will tighten them for you! Do you understand...Sir!?"
I was in the navy but never had 2 ladies to help me with my luggage....o_O
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The bird in the background is a PBM-3S (anti-submarine Martin Mariner).
Betcha he's crew chief or flight engineer on the bird, stuck with flight attendant duties at the moment. Note, he's still wearing his harness, while the WAVE on the left is doffing hers and the one on the right has shucked it already.
When we visited San Diego in 1960 they were still flying these things and we saw several takeoffs and landings.
For those who haven't seen this before, this is a teen age Marylin Monroe working at Ryan
And isn't that a two-stroke UAV motor and propeller? When I was kid I saw a guy at an abandoned WWII airport with a huge (12 ft+ wingspan) model airplane with one of these motors and a vaccum tube radio control. The receiver was as big as my 3rd grade lunchbox and the transmitter the size of the Meriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, 1953 Edition, at the library and twice as heavy. It even had a strap on it to go around the operator's shoulders and support its weight.
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It might be Sara Jean Baker. The USAF even had a recruiting poster with her climbing out of a jet in a blue flight suit and L-2A flight jacket.

Reginald Denny was an actor in Hollywood and also a model airplane enthusiast with his own hobby store. He convinced the Army to buy large flying model airplanes to use as targets and the result was the Radioplane, which later became Northrop Ventura, one of the companies that was known for UAV development.
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