Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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The Tyler Junior College Apache Belles with the Texas Bullet, the only type certificated aircraft built in Tyler, Texas. The earlier Stewart Bluebird, which was a development of the Welch, never was certificated.


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Looks like a hot rod version of a Globe Swift.
"Pop" Johnson built the first Swift and convinced Mr. Kennedy of Globe Medicine Co. that he should build an airport and aircraft factory on his horse farm. The relationship soured and Johnson left to build the Johnson Rocket. After losing control of that business to his investors, Johnson built the Texas Bullet and got things right. He also lost control of that and went on to build the Regent Rocket and Johnson 260. In case you haven't guessed, Johnson had a hard time getting along with his investors. Globe completely redesigned the Swift which went on the backburner during WWII when Globe built Beech AT-10's under license. Not well remembered today but a lot of pilots got their multi-engine training in AT-10's.
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