Girls and Aircraft - Volume II

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In one of my old magazines (Jet+Prop, 5/1991) I found this photo:

This is the a/c:

But no further photos of the ladies....;):rolleyes:
The USAF used them to replace Howard DGA-15's for search & rescue work in Alaska.

Yes, they did. Somewhere I have a article about an LC-126 sinking in a remote area due to a hole in a float, and being repaired with a piece of walrus hide or some such.

Uh, do those girls think they are going to use it for water skiing? They sure ain't dressed for snow!
Yes, they did. Somewhere I have a article about an LC-126 sinking in a remote area due to a hole in a float, and being repaired with a piece of walrus hide or some such.

Uh, do those girls think they are going to use it for water skiing? They sure ain't dressed for snow!
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The photo was taken at the Orlando Aviation Country Club. Cessna did a photo shoot there with their new 140 & 195 models. Ty Sundstrom, the guy who restored the AF Museum LC-126, said it had really been beat to hell and patched up.
They wrecked a beautiful Cessna 195 on our airport several years back. A highly talented and very experienced pilot I know said he had flown it and it nearly got away from him.
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