Girls and aircrafts

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Here are some as a matter of fact, when she was training in the US. Shes got really big ears if you ask me. I do like the mess uniform that she is wearing in the first picture. It has sexy quality to it.


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Capt Shannon Schneider
Capt Shannon Schneider (left) discusses a point with another pilot besides her missile-armed F-16 on the tarmac at the Kalaikunda Airbase near Kolkata. — Reuters photo


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A girl from Austrialia!!!
Lt.Joanne Mein


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Loree Draude Hirschman
She's Just Another Navy Pilot


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women fighter pilot from Japan!
Japaneese female fighter pilots!!!
Can anyone post more pictures???


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Attension! A woman pilot in IAF
An Israel female fighter pilot! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Major 'D', The first Female pilot to fly the F-16 'Storm' Jet


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First Chile female fighter pilot
Subteniente Karina Miranda
Mujer piloto de combate

Karina Miranda tiene 24 añitos, está a punto de graduarse como la primera piloto de combate mujer de la Fach

She is very attaractive!


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