Going to be gone a few weeks....

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Well, things here are going good. Just about finalled out from the base, and will be hitting the road on friday around noon. Our plan is to go to Atlanta, stay a night, hit my parents up in Louisiana, then jump on the 40 and finish the trip to California. Cris I got your e-mail and I will send you here shortly. Thanks for all the prayers and wishes, as this is a very hard and stressful for me and my family. I hope everyones New Year is going well. I will try and keep in touch when I can, I hope everyone is doing great. Have a great and wonderfull day.

Oh, by the way, I have 10 years 4 months and 24 days in the Air Force.
Finally made it into Palmdale yesterday. Had fun on the trip. Visited my parents in Louisiana and went to the Grand Canyon. And I found a very intresting aviation museum up there. It is part of the Chino air musem. Its located at the Valle Airport, and in it had some war birds in flying condition. But the plane I was most intrested in was the Bf-109 G-10 that was there, and I got some good photos that I will post at a later date. I also picked up a book on the Me-262 and got a Bf-109 T-shirt. What a great day, and my wife said I looked like a kid at Toys-R-Us.
My wife says the same thing to me when I visit Cavanaugh Flight Museum.....just wandering around with eyes as big as saucers! hahaha

Glad you made it to Cali safe and sound!

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