Going to be 'Missing' for a couple of days or more.

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*bacon munch*
Glad we found this. Where's my pint?
*munch munch*
Hey. looky here!
A box of Playboy from 1972? And look!!!
A trap door under the rug!!!!
*munch - gulp*
Woah, CR, don't fall in the trap door. Lets lookie see whats down here. Jan, bring a torch!
....hang on the...
F*ck...no batteries!
Wait a minute...
How about this old railroad lantern...plenty in it, so it should burn for a good while, with a good light...
Anyone got matches or a lighter?
Hmmmm.......this locker has a massive padlock on it, wonder why....let's see what's in it...
*fiddles with the lock*
D*mmit....d*mn lock to be....aaah, there we go...let's see what's behind here.....seems to be nice and bright anyway..


Ooh...I think that we better lock up again troops...right Njaco?
Right you lot!
Stand still whilst I kick your collective R's !
Had a great trip in the Tin Tent, and only got home last night (Thursday), totally knackered, stiff and in pain. Pulled a muscle in neck and shoulders on Tuesday morning, getting the mobility scooter into the van, which got progressively stiffer and more painful - haven't been able to move much today, and typing, with one thumb, is slow, difficult and very uncomfortable.
Had a bit of a delay on the last leg of the return journey, when the throttle cable parted company with the carb linkage, but the breakdown people were soon on the scene and got me going again.
I'll start a thread, with some pics, tomorrow, under the title of 'The Travel's of Tel's Tin Tent', when, hopefully, my body starts to work properly again.
Meanwhile, replace the bacon, and give the Playboy mags and rubber stuff back to Jan - they're his, he left them at my place !

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