Going to be offline.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Getting my PC updated and rearranging the "office / workbench" area, so I'll be offline for a day or so. With luck though, I might be up and running again by tomorrow night.
Now y'all behave while I'm gone !
Unattended bacon?

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You shower of p**** taking bar stewards - I'M BACK !!!

Got the new computer installed an hour ago, and what a difference in speed and capacity !
I was having Internet problems with the 'old' computer. plus a few glitches here and there, so just as well that I decided to take up an offer from a friend who has a computer business. Seems my 'old' PC was on the way out anyway, with the capacity virtually full, and the hard drive ready to fail.
Now I've got a very compact PC, allowing faster processing and more space, and I've been busy re-arranging the work area, with some new furniture etc.
Once all the rubbish has been disposed of, and the final bits placed on shelves and in the new cabinets, I'll have a better work space, and much more (tidy) room to move around in - hmm, more room ......... maybe I can get more books then !!!

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