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May 3, 2023
Hello, everyone. My name is John Hinds, and I am a new recruit at the forum. I've had experiences with all types of aircraft, when I earned my wings at the old Oakland Airport in Oakland, California, soloing at the controls of a war surplus J-3 Piper Cub in 1960. Since then, I've flown all over the world piloting a myriad of ships, mostly propeller-driven, cargo aircraft. I have quite a few interests, I'm a military historian with an emphasis on the two world wars and the uneasy period of peace between them. Naturally, my main interests are the ships I've personally flown the C-46 Commando, the C-47 Dakota and the occasional C-54 DC. I am a former model builder and still have an interest in the hobby. I hope to get to know you all in the near future and I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this forum. Have a great day, everyone.
Welcome here some threads of mine that have your intrest i think.


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