Greatest Fighter Aircraft of All Time

Which is the best

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Here is the entry from They had, according to this, Corsairs and Hellcats too.


"MARCH 1945

Okinawa 1945 - Royal Navy Campaign Honour

British Pacific Fleet - On the 15th, Adm Rawlings signals from Manus to Adm Nimitz that the British Pacific Fleet is ready to join Adm Spruance's Fifth Fleet. Now known as Task Force 57, battleships "King George V" and "Howe", carriers "Illustrious", "Indefatigable", "Indomitable" and "Victorious", five cruisers including the New Zealand "Gambia" and 11 destroyers, two Australian sail for Ulithi to refuel. On the 26th they are on station off the Sakishima Islands in the Ryukyu group. Their mission is to prevent the islands being used as staging posts for Japanese reinforcements flying from Formosa to Okinawa. BPF's main weapon is of course not the battleships, but the Seafires and American-made Avengers, Hellcats and Corsairs of the carriers' strike squadrons. They start their attacks that day."

I also agree Gnomey, the RN used Corsairs on carriers before the USN and USMC did and proved thier feasability.

So here is the choice, land on a pitching deck with the Spit's narrow gear or the Corsair's loooong nose. I think I would prefer to have Scotty transport me.

the large propeller was the reason for the gull wing, it was the best way of keeping the prop from eating up the deck and still keep what would otherwise have to be long fragile gear short and stronger...........
So having to come at a almost 90 degree angle to the deck and then have to turn to land on the deck and still try to hit the 2 wire is too much fun for me. Add to that battle damage, weather, pilot exhaustion, and just plain having a bad monday, these pilots have my respect.

ya, but you still would have more nightmares if there were 2 evil bunnies trying 2 kill you rather than 1 right?
needs little support? dude havent u heard of heat-seeking SAMs?
others need to have a base, so u mean the harrier doesnt need a base?

a harrier without fuel or weapon's only use is something to use for cover if ur being shot at
oh yeah... no one ever actually looks at though cos very few people use it......

but he means that not only can the harrier operate from carriers, she doesn't need a prepared runway to operate, she proberly has the best rough feild abilities of any front line aircraft, that being said sometimes she doesn't even need a field, 100ft of any ground and she's away, she can land on the spot and her remarkable ability to operate from forests even! means she can be placed close to the front and the enemy wont even know they're there, whereas they spot all the planes sitting by the runway with their satalites..........

and heat seaking SAMs are a threat to any aircraft, i'm willing to guess that due to no big exausts at the rear with afterburners she has less heat signature than most planes, admitedly more speed would be helpful in evading them but in saying that the on;y plane that could really outrun missiles on a regular basis was the SR-71...........

having said all this however i feel that we should discuss the sea harriers and not the RAF harriers as they're used in the Ground attack role, the sea harriers being used as fighters and ground attack............

what was the standard procedure to land a corsair?

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