Changing the subject a bit Yesterday I was threading with Skim at work when I got a phone call that a guy had just jumped in front of a train at the station I can honestly say it was the biggest mess I have seen for years
He apparently bought a coffee then took off his suit jacket and placed it on the seat next to himself a train came along at 80mph he stood up ran across the platform and jumped into the front of the engine I didnt realise how far you could spread one human being the platform is 120 yds long One leg was 10 yards from the start and they found part of his spine 40 yards off the other end of the platform the engine had a red front instead of yellow and we used 6 buckets of sand on the mess what state of mind must the guy been in to do that.the poor driver who looked in his 20,s was in a right old state I don't think he'll be driving a train anymore.
Good lord!
What a hell of a thing! I just can't imagine what would be so very bad that anyone would throw themselves in front of a train like that! It baffles me every time.
Well Im English through and through well apart from the bit of Scots and Celt and Roman and Viking and Saxon and Norman and Irish and oh balls to it.
Well Im a World Citizen through and through