Groundhog Thread Part Deux - P-39 Fantasy and Fetish - The Never Ending Story (Mods take no responsibility for head against wall injuries sustained)

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All that is needed, then, would be to move the ground down a little in back.

I'm not that great at math, but it seems that pushing the hillside down about 2 feet (.6m) would do the trick?

Should be within the realms of possibility.

Can't quite tell if the nose armour is still there, or if it has rusted away sufficiently to allow for improved performance.
Do you think they will leave the doors off as well?

Surely the weight reduction will make the P-39 a 500mph fighter?
It's obvious that if they left the top deck off, they could easily fit a Griffin in there with room to spare - so now we're left wondering if those treacherous British were trying to sabotage Larry Bell's world-beater.

First the heater issue and now this shocking revelation!

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