What did you learn on your checkride? My Private Pilot Examiner said "Sweat thyself not, this is just another lesson. We're going to educate each other: you're going to show me how safe a pilot you are, and I'm going to show you a thing or two your instructors never did. So after he put me through my paces, he said "You'll do", then asked: "Have you ever been in a fully developed spin in one of these things?"
"No, we did spin avoidance but no spins".
"Yep, that's what your logbook shows, would you like to see what it's like?"
"Isn't that considered acrobatics?"
"Yep, and it's prohibited except when operating in Utility Category and in a training situation. You're Pilot in Command of this flight, I'm legally just a passenger, so I'm asking, do we meet the stated conditions to do it legally?"
"I guess so."
"Okay, you want to give it a try? Remember, you're PIC."
So he demonstrated, I followed through, then did one each way myself, and got thoroughly hooked on "the world turned upside down"!
My examiner said the same thing to me. He said that besides verifying that I am a safe pilot, he also wanted to teach me something. That my checkride was not complete unless it was an important lesson.
His father had been killed in a spin, and he wanted to hone in on spin training, but the aircraft was restricted from spins at any time. But he did as much as he could to hone in on the importance of spin avoidance, and recovery from one. He went into more detail than the books or my instructor did during training. It was a great experience. I was on cloud nine afterwards.