Happy Bastille Day

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Member In Perpetuity
Jul 10, 2007
Virginia Beach, Va.
Today is Bastille Day [French Independence Day]. So, to all of my French
friends on the forum, I wish you a Happy Bastille Day. Hope you have many

Just come to think about it fellas.....have you ever wondered what France would have looked like if it never had the revolution, would it have been much different, how much of history would have taken another turn ?
Today is Bastille Day [French Independence Day]. So, to all of my French
friends on the forum, I wish you a Happy Bastille Day. Hope you have many


independence from who ? the belgians ?

its was the mark of french revolution, but for them is like 4 july for americans or 7 september for us
Just come to think about it fellas.....have you ever wondered what France would have looked like if it never had the revolution, would it have been much different, how much of history would have taken another turn ?

have you ever wondered what entire world would be if never had the french revolution ?

the kings and queens stiil been the absolute rulers, chosen by god to do what they want with their kingdons and its populations.

americas never would be independent of european powers.

no democracy, no civil rights.

liberté, equalité, fraternité

freedon, equality, brothership


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