Happy Birthday Les:-)

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Thanks for the wishes guys.... Sorry Udet, u can keep her, I gots my own man....

Now THAT is what makes a birthday happy! Socks, underwear, tickets to a game, whatever. I really don't need any of that crap. If I want it, I'll go buy it myself. But it takes two to tango and have any fun doing it.

Good job there Les...
I'm deeply disturbed with Udet's present. She looks... well... undead. Not sure if I should cut its head off or drive a stake in its heart.
The photo was taken during a fashion parade in Beijing; that should explain the make up, clothing and attitude.

Well, 1.82 mts tall, 55 kgs, slim firm body...see her wearing a bikini and you might comprehend.
The photo was taken during a fashion parade in Beijing; that should explain the make up, clothing and attitude.

Well, 1.82 mts tall, 55 kgs, slim firm body...see her wearing a bikini and you might comprehend.

Models. Looney as they get. All the weight control stuff drives them over the edge. She looks it. Two things I don't want my daughter (all of three months old) to turn out to be. A lawyer or a model.

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