Happy Birthday Sabrina!

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Wow, guys, I happened on here after not being around for a long time and was touched. :) Thanks for remembering me and for all the birthday wishes!!

Hope all is been well for you, I really have no excuse but being busy. :) Working hard to finish a book by October, and dreaming of flying again. I miss the forum and will try to come in here once in a while. Cheers to everyone!! --Sabrina
Wow don't know how I missed this but Happie Burfdae Sabrina!!

Just goes to show how great a forum this is!!
Better late than never. Happy Birthday Sabrina and good luck with the book.
No worries -- I was late to this thread myself. ;) Thanks for all the book wishes, guys. I'm churning away....worst of all feelings is that the evil little delusional voice that tells you another writer is probably almost done with a very similar book...I think that's what makes most writers feverishly stick with it day after day!!

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