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Thanks Lucky! well the party, technically its been a weekend long celebration but the bigger party is next year when I turn the big 18. You can come lucky, but you gotta get me a hemi for my birthday!
This aint fuc*kin Mad Max boys, there aint no "Last of the V-8's" here.... The best way for a 17 year old to end up as a red stain on the highway is to give him more horsepower than he can contain and control...

Therefore, u must wait til ur 21st birthday until u get ur precious 500hp Hemi SE.... It gives Jan time to actually find one and ship it to u...

Happy happy Birthday...... Hopefully ur weekend is kickin ass....
Here you go buddy....

Maybe if you ask Dan nicely, he'll throw you your 21st birthday party, that should guaranty the party AND hangover of a lifetime....

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