Happy Victoria Day !!

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Thanks guys it was crap . No Global warming here about 5-10c overcast rain and windy. Also I worked and after work froze my ass off at the airport working
Thanks guys it was crap . No Global warming here about 5-10c overcast rain and windy. Also I worked and after work froze my ass off at the airport working

Hey Neil it's too bad the weather was so lousy this weekend, I'll try to stop by next time when it's better.

I thouight you were going to call Sunday am

The weather was pretty bad, it was grey raining in Toronto, I didn't think you would be going out. Sorry I didn't call, I woke up at 2 am it was so freakin cold in the sleeper, I turned up the heat and slept in to 10!

I can't believe this weather, it's almost June!
The slang here for it is the May Two Four weekend probably because of the Two Fours (case of beer) consumed opening up the cottage
The slang here for it is the May Two Four weekend probably because of the Two Fours (case of beer) consumed opening up the cottage

What is the most popular beer here anyways? Molson or Labatt? When I was in college in Vancouver the most popular seemed to be Kokanee {which I never liked all that much}

Maestro where are you anyways? Are you in Alberta?
What is the most popular beer here anyways? Molson or Labatt? When I was in college in Vancouver the most popular seemed to be Kokanee {which I never liked all that much}

Maestro where are you anyways? Are you in Alberta?
Most of the folks I know drink Blue

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