Thanks, it will go back tomorrow and will take the 707 wing with it's progress. Speaking of which, progress photos.
By the time I had taken the first shot I had given it a pretty good sanding all over and a coat of rattle can primer. The red is my tube Bondo. I gave the split in the leading edge a good amount of two part epoxy glue and then a finish with my Bondo to smooth and shape. The engine supports had been cracking some of the finish off, so I gave it some of the Bondo to fill the paint chips. You can see where the logo is, someone has painted a room dark gray, and splashed some of the paint on the wing..... duh! It's actually coming pretty good in spite of all the crazing, that being filled and sanded. I'll have a good coat of primer when I take it back Saturday, and bring the other wing home.
The fuselage will be a different story!
And finding the decals for the nacelles is gonna be a chore! Anyone ever seen these around?????