Last Sat was our local IPMS auction day,
I was hoping a 1/72nd P-38 would come up...... nada.
My display is only big enough for 1/72nd multi engine planes..... dang it!
For some reason I was thinking this was an Academy kit. If it is, it's a very old mold. Not happy about that!
Well, I received in the Eduard turbo superchargers and it was still cool enough this morning to do some work, I lost the A/C for upstairs end of Aug and it is still in the 90's here but were supposed to get some air from Geo tomorrow. I can't wait.
So I started by cutting one of the Turbos!
Very nice and the fit looks good!
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was filing down the excess resin and test fitted it and flipped over and now I have no *&^$%&* idea where it went.
Oh so not happy!
I also received the cockpit set in and it looks good.
Well .. IMHO it would be easier to open the plastic part and make the opening for the top shape of the supercharger. In the way you could attach the entire rasin part from the inside. No cutting of the resin parts, just some of drilling, filing and sanding of the plastic that is easier to work with.
Tough break. You may be able to salvage that with a thin saw to cut the other bit free and then CA gluing it to the rest of the piece when it's in place.
I looked at that Andy, but elected the damage was too much. I picked up another from Victory Models and they are quick. Cooler weather means I can spend time upstairs and get some work done. It'll all be good.
It's the first week of October and yesterday's feels like temp was 103. I can't work upstairs without my A/C. We are supposed to get highs around 80 to 85 f by Tuesday and in the 70's by end of the week. That will be fine. Mid month lows in the 50's wow hoo. BTW why did you spill all that flour outside