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I think the D1 had this type of cooling discarded. According to Gajus Becker, the main reason was the demand on DB601 engines id both Bf109 and He100 would be produced and with the Bf109 already chosen, they didn't want to change to another type.
Don't think so. If Heinkel wasn't popular than why was the He-111's production in full swing?

He was displeased that the NSDAP made him get rid of staff who had Jewish ancestry and made his displeasure known to the party. From then on he was largely sidelined by the RLM. Seigfried And Wolfgang Gunter effectively ran the three main plants of the company.
I think the D1 had this type of cooling discarded. According to Gajus Becker, the main reason was the demand on DB601 engines id both Bf109 and He100 would be produced and with the Bf109 already chosen, they didn't want to change to another type.

No the wing cooling system is the main feature of the HE 100 design.
Without this cooling system you will have a much slower highspeed.
The complete design is build around this cooling system.

And yes one other reason was, that the ME 109 was already chosen but the important reason was the design.
The He100D-1 model did not have the surface cooling system. Instead, it had a larger retractable radiator installed with slightly widened wings.

In spite of this change, it was still capable of flight over 400mph.

I know some people aren't fans of Wm Green, but the quote may be of interest:

"The He 100 had a wing span of only 26 ft. 10 3/4 in. and employed a system of surface evaporation cooling. Four further prototypes were built, the He 100V4, V5, V6, and V7, these embodying modifications dictated by the results of an investigation into the crash of the He 100V3 in September 1938, and incorporated service equipment. These were intended to serve as prototypes for the proposed He 100B fighter and were intensively flight-tested by R.L.M. pilots at Rechlin-Mueritz. The rechlin pilots were highly enthusiastic over the He 100's speed but deployed its extremely high wing loading and poor handling qualities.
The Ernst heinkel A. G. therefore abandoned the He 100B and undertook an extensive redesign of the fighter in an attempt to improve its characteristics. The wing was redesigned and overall span increased to 30 ft. 10 3/4 in. to reduce the wing loading, and the surface evaporation cooling system which had proved impossible to perfect to a standard required for general service use, was supplanted by a semi-retractable belly radiator. This version was designated He 100D"
Exceptional speed, acceleration and rate of climb. But the high wing loading made for poor maneuverability and an overall poor fighter aircraft. If the He-100 had been produced it may have had a similiar operational record.
If the 109 suffered from poor development potential then the He 100 would have suffered even more. Smaller wing and shorter fuselage. Two mg 17s and a single engine mounted 20mm MG/FF. Why should the 20mm in the Heinkel work any better than than the ones in the 109? Was there room in the wing to mount effective armament? Did the Heinkel actually have a service ceiling 3-4000ft lower than the bf 109?
Both a/c were pitted against each other and the 109 won. There was simply more potential in the 109.
I suspect that is true. Which explains why Germany did not mass produce the He-100.

However there were multiple wars in progress during the fall of 1939. If the He-100 was inexpensive to manufacture (which may or may not be true) then it compares nicely with other fighter aircraft at that time. Nations like Hungary, Finlnd, Sweden, Romania, Italy, China, Spain, Switzerland etc. could have purchased the He-100 tooling for a pittance and had a world class fighter aircraft in production during 1940.
I'm not sure if I'm repeating myself or am thinking of another forum...
What was the flying condition and test conditions for the high speed data on the He100D? Is it calculated data? Is it for the one minute limited maximum emergency setting of the DB601Aa, after which the radiator would be lowered? What was its performance with the radiator extended at the steig/kampfleistung setting?

When the He112 was flown comparatively against the early 109 (both Jumo engine versions) it was shown that fitted with combat gear the 109 was better and the evaporative cooling system may not have been combat worthy. I would presume this was a similar situation with the He113/100. Its high speed condition is most likely very limited, where in the medium performance range and in extended combat the 109 probably performed equally, better, or similarly.

My personal assumption has been the He100D may have had a better high speed run but it was limited, whilst during extended high performance scenarios it lost any serious advantages for the bulk of the mission, at the cost of a more complicated, specialised and expensive production. Due to the success of the 108 the 109 (which shared some initial tooling) was very easy to place into mass production quickly, almost contradictory to this it also performed admirably for the time and was very popular with pilots.
He100 was probably a better racing plane. 109 a better ubiquitous fighter, I'm guessing.

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