Heating up ?

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I don't mind the heat if I am out in the desert on a dirt bike, but when I have to work, I prefer it to be cooler. I was once out in the desert (Ocotillo Wells/Anza Borrego) a few years ago and it was 122 F! That was a hot weekend. It cooled down to about 95 at night, so sleeping was not very comfortable.
Eric that is enough to make me puke. Thunderstorms all day but no rain, muggy and it was 100F again....

well as I leave for the California mtn.s I am praying it cools off to 85 F or less........
Up here, there continue to be unusually high temperatures all across the country, and in my neck of the woods health alerts have been issued for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It's becoming especially hellish for young children and the elderly.

And for pussy nonskimmers like myself.

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